We currently offer case consultation to services and organisations in relation to adults with acquired brain injury and other neurological disorders. Case consultation consists of a period of extended assessment detailing relevant recommendations in a summary report to help you support your patients with their neuropsychological needs. We can also advise you on relevant training needs and opportunities.
Please contact us and speak to Dr Oliver Sefton to discuss your needs further
Bespoke Training
Sefton Psychology Services can provide bespoke training packages matched to your service needs, budget and time constraints. We can deliver training on topics such as:
- Mental Capacity Act Assessment
- Behavioural Management after Acquired Brain Injury
- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
- Post Traumatic Amnesia Management
- Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Stress Management and Self-care
Please contact us and speak to Dr Oliver Sefton to discuss your training needs further